
在一个众星云集的周六晚上,德州运动家队(Texas a&M University-Commerce Alumni Association rolled out the red carpet for the annual Alumni Awards Gala. Guests gathered at the university's Sam Rayburn Student Center in an Oscars-themed event on April 27 to celebrate the shining stars of their alma mater: the 2024 recipients of the prestigious Gold Blazers and Distinguished Alumni Awards.

The six award recipients line up for a photo in front of a black curtain with gold and blue balloons above their heads.
Award recipients from L to R: Dr. 威利·约翰逊,德瑞尔·皮斯,查尔斯·希尔,琼·戴维斯,卡德尔·科侯,杰克·库克.
Photo by Tyler Holloway | Texas A&大学商业营销与传播办公室

Opening the program, University President Mark Rudin painted a vibrant picture of the university's growth and innovation, emphasizing that A&M-Commerce's stellar alumni base is an essential and unchanging component of the university's success.

“The constant is the excellence in our alums, as evidenced by folks in this room today…” Rudin said. “That is what this university has been built on and will continue to be built on forever and ever.”


Director of Alumni Engagement Amanda Lowe kicked off the awards segment of the program by announcing the 2024 Gold Blazer Award recipient, Dr. Willie F. Johnson, Jr.

Established in 1984, the Gold Blazer Award is presented annually to alumni who have demonstrated exemplary service to the A&移动商务校友会和大学. The award encapsulates the motto of university founder Professor William Mayo: “Ceaseless Industry, Fearless Investigation, Unfettered Thought, and Unselfish Service to Others.”

“Our 2024 Gold Blazer honoree epitomizes the transformative power of education and leadership…” Lowe said. “Dr. Willie F. Johnson, Jr. has dedicated his career to education and community service…he inspires future leaders and nurtures communities.”

Dr. Willie F. Johnson, Jr. ('92, '01)

乔·希普曼视频| Luminous Productions

Dr. Willie F. Johnson, Jr. of Lancaster, Texas, holds a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology ('92) from East Texas State University (now A&M-Commerce),教育管理理学硕士(2001)&M-Commerce, and a Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership from Walden University.

约翰逊是达拉斯南橡树崖高中的校长, serves as an adjunct professor at Grand Canyon University and operates the education consulting firm IMPACT. Recognized by the U.S. Congress and the Texas State Senate, 他因对教育的贡献而获得无数奖项.

During his administrative career, Johnson has successfully raised the academic performance of two low-performing schools and reduced racial achievement gaps. Under his guidance, South Oak Cliff High School emerged as a prominent institution in academics and athletics, 赢得了州冠军,还签下了几所大学.


洛还宣布了2024年的五位新杰出校友. The Distinguished Alumni honor has been presented annually since 1967 to an elite few who exhibit extraordinary distinction in their profession or life’s work.

该奖项还表彰为A&M-Commerce. Each recipient advances the well-being of the university and fosters an appreciation for its rich heritage and its students, faculty, and administration.


William “Jack” H. Cooke ('81)

乔·希普曼视频| Luminous Productions

Mr. Jack Cooke of Greenville, Texas, 致力于40年杰出的软件工程和管理事业. He holds a Master of Science in Computer Science from East Texas State University (’81) and an MBA from the University of Dallas.

库克的职业生涯始于支持美国空军的软件程序员.S. Space Program. 1975年,他搬到德克萨斯州的格林维尔,在E-Systems公司(现在的L3Harris)工作。. 在E-Systems公司,库克领导先进技术项目,并与美国国防部签订合同.S. Air Force. In 2005, he was appointed site executive, 监督格林维尔设施的运作和项目.

2009年退休后,库克转战学术界,加入了美国大学&M-Commerce College of Business faculty. Cooke remains actively involved with A&M-Commerce, serving on the College of Business Executive Advisory Board and participating in university projects.

In recognition of his service, he was honored with the title of Instructor Emeritus by The Texas A&2023年的大学系统董事会.

June Davis (’73)

乔·希普曼视频| Luminous Productions

Ms. 德克萨斯州沃斯堡的琼·威廉姆斯·戴维斯是一位自豪的特克萨卡纳人. Davis holds a Bachelor of Science in Sociology and a Master of Education from East Texas State University (’73) (now A&M-Commerce) and A&M-Texarkana. With over 40 years in education, 在德克萨斯州的不同地区任教, she retired as the director of Special Programs at Fort Worth Independent School District (ISD).

Davis made history as the first African American elected to the Crowley Independent School District Board of Trustees in 2003. 她于2010年至2019年担任总裁,并继续担任董事会成员. 她对社区的参与延伸到了委员会, associations, and boards focused on education, mental health, homelessness, and social justice.

戴维斯的奉献精神为她赢得了多个奖项, including The Living Legends Award from The Beta Tau Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. 以及特克萨卡纳州ISD杰出校友奖. 值得注意的是,2019年,克劳利的一所ISD小学以她的名字命名.

Charles G. Hill ('73)

乔·希普曼视频| Luminous Productions

Mr. Charles G. Hill of Tyler, Texas,毕业于Texas A&1973年获得教育学理学学士学位. After graduation, he began a distinguished career spanning nearly five decades with Texas Power and Light Company, later TU Electric, TXU, and Oncor Electric Delivery.

希尔在这家公用事业公司担任过各种职务, 包括管理现场操作和客户服务. His career took him to ten different communities within the Oncor service territory, 他在哪里致力于社区领导和经济发展.

Throughout his career, Hill served in numerous civic roles, 包括克罗克特的商会主席, Paris, and Tyler. 他也是克罗克特的扶轮社社长和朗莫里斯学院的理事.

Hill remains actively engaged, 在东德克萨斯临终关怀医院等董事会任职, Texas College, 以及德克萨斯大学泰勒分校开发委员会. Hill also mentors young leaders in Tyler.

Kader Kohou ('21)

乔·希普曼视频| Luminous Productions

Mr. 德克萨斯州沃斯堡的Kader Kohou毕业于Texas A&M University-Commerce in 2021 with a degree in marketing while pursuing a football career. 他在三一高中的足球成功中发挥了重要作用, 在大四的时候获得了地区冠军.

Transitioning to A&在移动商务中,Kohou作为一名后卫表现出色. As a four-year letterman, he played 44 games, tallying 113 tackles and five interceptions. He earned the 2021 Lone Star Conference Defensive Back of the Year and First-Team All-Conference titles.

In 2022, 科侯作为一名未被选中的自由球员与迈阿密海豚队签约, 在他的新秀赛季做出了显著的影响. 在他的成就中,他在防守数据上领先所有未被选中的新秀. In 2023, he became the first undrafted rookie cornerback to start an NFL Playoff game since 2019. During his freshman season in 2017, he appeared in 11 games and was part of the squad that won the 2017 NCAA Division II Football National Championship.

在球场外,Kohou通过社区参与扩大了他的影响力. 与迈阿密海豚青年计划合作, 他慷慨地向迈阿密中心高中捐赠了足球器材.

Mr. Derryle Peace ('74, '75)

乔·希普曼视频| Luminous Productions

Mr. Derryle Peace of Dallas, Texas, holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology/sociology (’74) and a master’s degree in counseling (’75). 积极参与Alpha Phi Alpha兄弟会., he served as vice president and represented the Inter Fraternal Council during his senior year.

在他的职业生涯中,Peace一直致力于青年和家庭服务. 从社会工作者的角色到非营利组织的执行董事职位, he has spent over 15 years managing mentoring programs and fostering community engagement.

和平的承诺超越了专业角色. He has served on the United Way Speakers Bureau and held leadership positions in various community organizations, 包括担任拉斯马基金会的董事会主席, Inc.作为达拉斯大都会基督教青年会的社区顾问成员.

As former executive director of the A&M-Commerce Alumni Association, Peace was pivotal in fundraising and constructing the Alumni Center.



“Your dedication, passion and achievements have not only brought you honor but have also inspired us all,” Lowe said. “You embody excellence, and your contributions to your fields, your communities, 我们的大学是鼓舞人心的灯塔. 你们坚定不移的承诺为我们所有人树立了一个追求的标准, 今晚,我们庆祝你们的成就.”

Learn more about the A&M-Commerce Alumni Association and how to join.

View the event photo gallery.

Featured Photo: Kader Kohou与校友联欢会上的嘉宾. Photo by Tyler Holloway | Texas A&大学商业营销与传播办公室