

皇冠体育365赌博&4月17日,M大学商学院举办了年度研究研讨会, 2024, at the university's Rayburn Student Center. 研讨会展示了本科生和研究生的研究项目,提供了A&移动商务学生提供了一个展示他们的作品、展示他们的智力追求和激情的平台.

75名本科生、70名研究生和7名博士生发表了演讲. Joshua Belieu, a graduate physics student from the College of Science and Engineering, 他的项目题为“利用半无限核物质的计算来完善中子星内部外壳的模型”,成为了总冠军.”

Joshua Belieu and Dr. Brent Donham stand in front of a white backdrop with A&移动商务 研究 logos, which include the university's lion head.
Overall Winner Joshua Belieu (L) and Dr. 布伦特·多纳姆(右). Photo by Matt Strasen | 皇冠体育365赌博&M University-商务 Office of Marketing and Communications

Belieu's “Star” Project

Belieu's winning entry is also his thesis topic. Explaining the significance of his research, 比尤说,天文学家寻求对中子星的特殊性质有更清晰的了解. With more knowledge about the stars' inner crust, scientists can better comprehend the surface behavior, which in turn influences how neutron stars are observed. Belieu works on the project with his mentor, Dr. 威廉·牛顿, associate professor of physics and astronomy 在一个&移动商务.


“研讨会为我提供了一个磨练演讲技巧的机会, 展示我的作品, and engage with other active academics,他说.

比尤有望于2024年8月毕业,获得物理学硕士学位. 毕业后,他计划在密歇根州立大学攻读物理学博士学位.

Student Kaitlyn Kalisek (L) discusses her research project. Photo by Matt Strasen | 皇冠体育365赌博&M University-商务 Office of Marketing and Communications

In addition to Belieu, 13 other winners were named:

College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources


学生: 麦迪逊Coyle

Poster Presentation: 亏缺灌溉对草本多年生植物开花和传粉者的影响


学生: Katherine MacKenzie

Poster Presentation: 耕作对北德克萨斯州粘土团聚体稳定性的影响

College of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Arts


学生: Breeanna希克斯

部门: Literature and Languages

Oral Presentation: So, 你进入了研究生院:写作中心如何帮助研究生克服学术认同危机,并在特定体裁的层面上为他们服务

学生: 汉娜•谢泼德

部门: 历史

Poster Presentation: Free and Enslaved Black Settlements in San Antonio

College of 业务


学生: 迈克尔·汉森

部门: 金融

Poster Presentation: 美国职业体育需求的收入弹性研究


学生: Nazmush Munia

部门: 管理

Poster Presentation: 南方高校协会学院委员会(SACSCOC) 2022级质量提升计划摘要提出的职业准备路径比较研究

College of Science and Engineering


学生: 泽维尔Grundler

部门: Physics and Astronomy

Oral Presentation: 利用未来引力波探测器模拟数据约束核物质状态方程的高密度参数

学生: Laritza Tinajero

部门: Biological and Environmental Sciences

Poster Presentation: Bobwhite Usage of Feed and Water Stations in South Texas


学生: 布鲁克·克利夫顿

部门: Biological and Environmental Sciences

Poster Presentation: Analysis of Predator Responses in Wild and Captive-Reared Quails

College of 教育 and Human 服务


学生: 埃莉诺Sisto

部门: Psychology and Special 教育

Oral Presentation: Associations Between Consumption of Anime-Related Content, 类型的偏好, and Sexual Objectification of Self and Other

学生: Wajeeha阿里

部门: 护理

本科 Poster: Music for the Soul


学生: 玛格丽特Dwiggins

部门: Psychology and Special 教育

Oral Presentation: 软着陆:如何在课堂开始时拿走智能手机会影响学习吗?

学生: 马歇尔Tousant

部门: 健康 and Human Performances

Poster Presentation: “Super” Shoes Do Not Affect Jump Performance

学生Lahirimahasaya Bestha(中)展示他的研究项目. Photo by Matt Strasen | 皇冠体育365赌博&M University-商务 Office of Marketing and Communications

The Perks of Presenting

Dr. 布伦特Donham, vice president for 研究 and Economic Development 在一个&移动商务, 强调研究专题讨论会提高学生的教育经验, encouraging them to delve into research and showcase their work, which may otherwise stay relatively hidden in a lab or office.

它还要求学生向非专业观众简洁地展示他们的研究, which is an important skill, 特别是对于打算攻读研究生学位的本科生. 多纳姆解释说,当与会者对他们的研究项目表现出兴趣和兴奋时,学生们也会获得信心.

利亚Kanaman, administrative coordinator for 研究 and Economic Development, 我们注意到研讨会参加者从评审那里得到宝贵的反馈,他们分享指导和建议,以帮助学生加强他们的研究和演讲技巧.

尤其是, 研讨会有可能促进合作研究伙伴关系, both inside and outside of the university. 今年, for the first time, 业界领袖和校友应邀担任评委和嘉宾, 包括 Dr. 斯泰西·普里特她是德克萨斯大学副校长兼首席研究合规官&M University System.


“我想开始邀请行业合作伙伴,以此来提高我们学生研究的知名度,他说. “我们很高兴看到众多行业领袖和校友参加了此次活动, 我们将在未来增加行业领袖和校友的参与.”

Student Anisa Olavarria (L) discusses her research project. Photo by Matt Strasen | 皇冠体育365赌博&M University-商务 Office of Marketing and Communications

Reaching Toward an R2 Designation

The Annual 研究 Symposium is a valued event as A&移动商务越来越接近成为R2高研究活动机构 Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher 教育.

The R2 designation means a university is research-focused, 提供至少20个博士研究学位,研究支出总额至少为500万美元. As an R2 university, A&移动商务 would boost its standing in the research community, attract highly active professors in their fields, 并吸引更多希望在研究型大学接受教育的学生.

“As we seek to become an R2 High 研究 Activity university, 我们需要把促进和支持研究和创造性活动作为整个大学的优先事项,多纳姆说. “年度研究研讨会有助于提高学生研究的知名度,并促进整个大学的研究.”

了解更多关于 A&移动商务 研究.

查看 Annual 研究 Symposium photo gallery.

特色图片:学生Nikita Strogalev(中)讨论她的研究项目. Photo by Matt Strasen | 皇冠体育365赌博&M University-商务 Office of Marketing and Communications